domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013


SIR CUMFERENCE AND THE FIRST ROUND TABLE This is the summary of the book: Sir Cumference and his family (Radius and Lady Di) lived in Camelot, King Arthur's Kingdom. King Arthur asked Sir Cumference for help because his table was rectangular and he dad to shout. Sir Cumference and Lady Di cut the table in half and put the two halves side-by-side. Now the table was a square. Geo of Metry, the camperter, helped them. King Arthur didn't like the new table and ask Sir Cumference to make a new table. They cut the square table diagonatly and they put the two halves together to form a diamond. Now the corner of the diamond table stuck into the king's stomach like a sword. So they cut the corner's of the parallelograms and made an octagon. Now the table have got 8 sides, but there are 12 knights. So they have to share the sides and they dont like it. The kings decides to make an oval table. The knights at the end of the oval table bumped into the King because there wasn't enough room. Sir Cumference felt bad because all thetable had a problem. He didn't know what to do. So Sir Cumference, Radius and Ladi Di went on a ride. They found a big problem there. They cut a cross-section of the trunk to make a new table. The new round table was perfect. The book was interesting, because we are learning geometry and the game we are creating is about the geometry in the city, and with the book we learn How to turn a rectangle into an octogon. So we like the book. The game is about the geometry of the city, so, we learnt something with this book, for example How to turn a rectangle into an octogon. We will explain the children those things that we learnt in the book. Explanation of How to turn a rectangle into an octagon: First you have a rectangle. Then you cut the rectangle in half and put the two halves side-by-side. Now we have a square. After that you cut the square diagonally and put the halves together to form a diamond. Next you cut the corners of the paralellogram an make an octogon.

2 comentarios:

  1. Excellent summary of the book1
    Now I am looking forward to seeing your video explaining how to transform a rectangle into a circle!

  2. The video is very good and the explanation, simply...brilliant!
